Enmanuel Chirinos

Web Developer

Ruby on Rails/ReactJS developer.

email: enmachs@gmail.com / phone +58 412 966 4338



System Engineering

Unefa University (4 Years Course) - Graduation May 2019

I'm currently studying seventh semester. System engineering, the career of future. Learning every aspect of a system. Include project management, system analysis, programming languages and everything involved.

English Course

Alpha Learning Institute (3 Years Course) - Graduation May 2018

I've been studying 3 years in Alpha Learning Institute, verified as one of best English academies nationally. Every day I work to improve my fluency with the language, sharing with the alpha community, learning and teaching as much as possible.

Codecademy Courses

Codecademy Website (3 Months Course)

I have finished several courses in codecademy web-app. Considered a awesome e-learning to sharp programming and software skills. Javascript, one the courses I passed (profile: Codecademy profile) was the first I took, because personally I think is the programming language of future.

  Work Experience


Web developer - January 2017 - Current

I worked as web back-end developer at SliceGroup Technology Agency. Learning more with every project I receive. Working with CMS of company called Keppler. Used to manage content of pages. I've been working lately in a front-end environment with Gulp.js, Slim as engine template, and Sass as stylesheets preprocessor.


Web developer (Ruby on Rails) - March 2018 - October 2018

My role at Bigwave team was Rails developer using JSON API technology, using Ruby on Rails as framework. BigWave is a e-commerce system raised on Chile. I build several modules like chat, blogs, comments of posts, search filters using Ransack, all these modules return data on JSON API format, using active_model_serializer gem.


Web developer (Ruby on Rails & ReactJS) - October 2018 - current

SocialReferral is a platform where company can improve its popularity on social media though post sharing. Platform build with Ruby on Rails as backend (JSON API and Slim templates) and ReactJS as frontend using ES6 and Typescript. Using minitest in a native way to handle testing of new features.


   Professional Skills

  • 70% Complete
    Agile Methodology70%
  • 85% Complete
  • 70% Complete
    Project Management70%

   Code Skills

  • 80% Complete
    HTML5 / CSS380%
  • 65% Complete
  • 75% Complete
    Ruby On Rails75%
  • 60% Complete
  • 30% Complete
  • 50% Complete
  • 40% Complete
    React js40%
  • 25% Complete



+58 412 966 4338

